Monday, December 04, 2006

Error 1324: The Folder Path Contains an Invalid Character

It is quite annoying to meet the following error when installing a software:

Error 1324: The Folder Path Contains an Invalid Character.

This problem is described at and Microsoft gives out a solution at However, it may not help.

At, the possible causes are demonstrated:

  1. The path specified in the error message points to a hard-coded path (i.e., C:\TestFolder), rather than a system folder (i.e., [WindowsVolume]).
  2. The path specified in the error message and contained in the Directory table contains an invalid character, such as <, >, /, \, :, *, ?, , ", or null.
  3. A path containing multiple levels, such as C:\Test\MyFolder, is being referenced directly in a single Directory table entry. Each level should have a unique entry in this table; referencing multiple levels in a single entry causes this error.
  4. Duplicate entries exist in the Directory table or a particular directory (i.e., SHELL_OBJECT_FOLDER) has multiple entries within the table.
  5. A file being referenced by the setup may have an invalid link. The file may have been moved or deleted since it was inserted into the project, thereby causing this error at run time.
  6. The system settings are incorrect on the target machine. For example, this issue has been known to occur on an English setup when the regional settings were set to Simple Chinese.
So if it is caused by F, just change your system settings then install the software.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks man.
    Your article was so useful with me. I've had an error message "invalid character (!)".
    maybe my english language is not that good, but at least I know whear to look.

    Thanks again
