Friday, August 06, 2010

Make TexMakerX correctly render Chinese

TexMakerX supports three render modes.
  1. Mode 1 supports mono-spaced fonts only.
  2. Mode 2 supports non-mono-spaced fonts.
  3. Mode 3 supports right-to-left texts.

Using the default settings, when you type Chinese into the editor, probably it won't render the Chinese correctly: the cursor will stay in the half-way point of the whole text. This is caused by the first rendering mode. To solve the problem, simply switch to Mode 2. The steps to trigger Mode 2 are
  1. Go to Option and choose Configure TexMakerX.
  2. Select Editor on the left. On the right, in the field of Editor Font Family, choose any font that is not mono-spaced, or Chinese.
  3. Click OK.

Now, the editor should display the Chinese correctly. To trigger the Mode 3 of TexMakerX, an RTL (right-to-lef) unicode marker is necessary for each line.

For more details, refer to

Chinese version:


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