Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Marking version in Latex

Package prelim2e allows you to mark versions in Latex. The information will appear on the bottom of every page. It is quite simple to use it.
Add \usepackage{prelim2e} before \begin{document}. And then renew the version text as follows.
  • \renewcommand{\PrelimText}{Draft}, where Draft is the text you want to insert. \PrelimText represents the whole thing as shown in the figure.
  • Another way is \renewcommand{\PrelimWords}{Preliminary version: \textbf{\emph{draft}}} , if you want to keep the time information. Preliminary version: \textbf{\emph{draft}} is the text you want to change.
The figure above uses the following command:
\renewcommand{\PrelimWords}{\textbf{\emph{draft}}: ver. $\alpha \ 1.15$}

Please refer to the package document for greater detail.

1 comment:

  1. It is Inserting version details, such as dates or version numbers and offering transparency and Is Bad Games facilitating effective communication in the dynamic process of document creation and revision.
